Weeks after accusing Dhanush of holding a grudge against her and her husband Vignesh Shivan, Nayanthara opened up about her lengthy post against him just before her OTT documentary release. In an interview, she revealed her disappointment over Dhanush sending her a legal notice demanding ₹10 crore and refusing a No Objection Certificate for a 2014 film’s song. She said, “We gave up on the NOC or footage; I just wanted clarity, but he never responded.”

Nayanthara shares cryptic ‘Karma’ post amid legal clash with Dhanush

Nayanthara is embroiled in a legal dispute with actor Dhanush over the unauthorized use of a three-second clip from their film ‘Naanum Rowdy Dhaan’ in her documentary, ‘Nayanthara: Beyond The Fairytale’. Dhanush filed a lawsuit demanding Rs 10 crore in damages, accusing the couple of copyright infringement. Amid the legal battle, Nayanthara shared a cryptic post hinting at her frustration with the situation.

Nayanthara shares cryptic 'Karma' post amid legal clash with Dhanush

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Actor Nayanthara is currently in a legal dispute with fellow actor Dhanush over the unauthorized use of a three-second clip from the film ‘Naanum Rowdy Dhaan’ in her documentary, ‘Nayanthara: Beyond The Fairytale’. This controversy led to Dhanush file a lawsuit against Nayanthara and her husband, filmmaker Vignesh Shivan.

Recently, Nayanthara shared a cryptic post on her Instagram stories, she wrote, “Karma Says!!! When you destroy someone’s life with lies Take it as a loan, it will come back to you with interest.”

As the message read that karma eventually catches up with those who harm others with lies, it is speculated to be suggesting that she feels wronged by Dhanush’s actions.

The legal battle began when Dhanush accused the couple of using footage from his production without permission. He filed a lawsuit in the Madras High Court, where the case was heard on November 27. During the hearing, Justice Abdul Quiddhose instructed Nayanthara and Vignesh Shivan to clarify the allegations made against them. Dhanush’s legal notice warned that he would seek Rs 10 crore in damages if they continued to use the clips.

Nayanthara’s lawyer, Rahul Dhawan, has defended her by stating that the footage used in the documentary came from her “personal library” and was not owned by Dhanush’s production company, Wunderbar Films Private Limited.

He has expressed that there has been no violation of copyright laws, asserting that the clips were taken from personal devices and are already publicly available on social media.

In an open letter shared earlier, she expressed her shock at receiving a legal notice after the trailer’s release and criticized Dhanush for his character.

Recently, actors Nayanthara and Dhanush found themselves in an awkward situation when they attended a wedding together but chose to avoid any interaction. The event took place on November 21, 2024, and marked their first public appearance since their ongoing legal dispute.