Why was Amitabh Bachchan upset with Abhishek Bachchan?

Abhishek Bachchan Reflects on His Career, Family, and Personal Growth in a Candid Conversation

Abhishek Bachchan, one of Bollywood’s beloved stars, recently opened up about various aspects of his life in an engaging and heartfelt conversation. Known for his candidness and humor, Abhishek delved into his journey in the film industry, his relationship with his iconic father, Amitabh Bachchan, and some lighthearted anecdotes from his school days. In this revealing discussion, Abhishek also shared how he overcame moments of complacency in his career and how his perspective on acting and life has evolved over the years.

A Loving Tribute to Amitabh Bachchan

Abhishek began the conversation by recalling a touching moment in his career when his father, Amitabh Bachchan, praised him for his performance in a recent film, describing it as his “best work yet.” Though Abhishek initially brushed it off, he couldn’t help but feel grateful for the encouragement. As a son of one of Bollywood’s biggest legends, Abhishek has always looked up to Amitabh, whose guidance and support have been invaluable in his career. Despite the enormous shadow cast by his father’s fame, Abhishek’s admiration for him is evident, and the emotional support from Amitabh has been instrumental in Abhishek’s professional and personal life.

Abhishek shared how his father’s approach to parenting was firm yet gentle, never needing to raise his voice or hand. Amitabh’s mere tone was enough to ensure that the household ran smoothly, a testament to his quiet authority and leadership. Abhishek reflected fondly on these memories, mentioning how his father’s influence shaped his own approach to work and life. He even humorously added that Amitabh was so vigilant that he often managed to get his report card before Abhishek even saw it, reading through it with a critical eye.

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Mischief and School Days

The conversation then took a lighthearted turn as Abhishek reminisced about his school days, particularly his time at a boarding school in Switzerland. He vividly recalled the anticipation of receiving his report card at the end of each term, only to discover that his grades were never as good as he had hoped. However, Abhishek admitted to using his wit to navigate the challenges of school life, including blaming poor performances on “out-of-syllabus” questions when facing his mother’s reprimands. His playful anecdotes about his attempts to outsmart his teachers and parents revealed a mischievous side to the actor that his fans rarely see.

Abhishek also shared a humorous story about his biology teacher, whom he had a memorable encounter with in school. After getting punished by her for a mistake, Abhishek made light of the situation, expressing how, despite the punishment, he still held affection for her. His cheeky remarks about school and his teachers highlighted his playful personality, which contrasted with the more serious side of him that fans often see on-screen.

Childhood Crush on Aishwarya Rai

In a particularly sweet and endearing moment, Abhishek opened up about his childhood crush on actress Aishwarya Rai, who would later become his wife. He shared how, during the filming of Mahan in Kathmandu, he had confessed his love for Aishwarya, claiming that he was “in love” with her at the time. He admitted that it wasn’t just a fleeting crush, but something deeper, calling it “love.” His sincere and innocent confession painted a picture of young Abhishek as a romantic at heart, and it’s no surprise that his admiration for Aishwarya would eventually evolve into a lifelong partnership. Abhishek also mentioned how he had watched Mahan numerous times, a film he holds dear for sentimental reasons. His words reflect a sense of nostalgia and adoration for Aishwarya, highlighting the depth of his affection for her.

A Period of Career Complacency

Abhishek then reflected on a period of his career where he felt complacent despite enjoying significant success. During this phase, he was delivering hits and making substantial earnings, but he felt that he wasn’t putting in the effort he should have. Abhishek admitted that he had become too comfortable, taking the easy route and working in films without the same passion or commitment he once had. Despite the external success, he recognized that something was missing—his own sense of responsibility towards his craft.

It was during this time that he became aware of the need for change. With the help of some of his senior colleagues and friends, who offered valuable advice, Abhishek acknowledged that he had to take his work more seriously. He realized that part of being an actor involves discomfort and pushing oneself to go beyond what’s easy. He spoke openly about how actors sometimes inflict emotional and physical pain on themselves to deliver performances, but it’s this struggle that ultimately leads to growth. The realization that he needed to challenge himself professionally marked a turning point in his career.

Aishwarya Rai-Bachchanને આંટી કહેવું ભારે પડ્યું આ એક્ટ્રેસને… - મુંબઈ  સમાચાર

Reigniting Passion and Confidence in His Work

Abhishek described how his transition from complacency to renewed enthusiasm was gradual but profound. Today, he is more confident than ever in the films he chooses to work on. He believes strongly in the material he is working with and the stories he is helping to bring to life. With the backing of exceptional scripts and talented collaborators, Abhishek now feels a deeper connection to his work than ever before.

He spoke about his current phase in the industry, saying that he is enjoying his roles more, as he feels a sense of ownership and responsibility towards them. Abhishek has developed a firm belief that actors should not shy away from experimentation, even though it comes with the risk of backlash. He expressed that he is not worried about such criticism, as long as he has conviction in the work he is doing. The confidence in his current projects stems from a sense of purpose, as he takes on roles that challenge him and allow him to grow as an artist.

A Shift Towards Professionalism and Ownership

In discussing his transition back to professionalism, Abhishek shared how important it was for him to take ownership of his craft. He admitted that there was a time when the pressures of stardom had made him complacent, but once he regained his passion for acting, he felt more in control of his destiny. His newfound sense of ownership has redefined his approach to work, ensuring that he no longer takes his success for granted.

Abhishek’s self-reflection shows a mature understanding of his career trajectory and the importance of constantly evolving. He now feels more fulfilled in his work and continues to explore new avenues that push him beyond his comfort zone.


Abhishek Bachchan’s honest and open conversation about his life, career, and personal growth gives us a deeper understanding of the actor behind the roles. From the admiration and support of his father to his reflections on his career highs and lows, Abhishek’s journey is one of growth, learning, and self-awareness. As he continues to take on new challenges and refine his craft, it’s clear that Abhishek has come to appreciate the value of hard work, humility, and the importance of staying true to oneself.

His ability to reflect on both his successes and his shortcomings offers an inspiring narrative for anyone striving to find purpose and passion in their own work, reminding us all that growth often comes from the moments of discomfort and challenge.


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