In the now-viral video, Abhishek Bachchan is seen setting the mood for the kids at the party, ensuring they have the best time.

Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan have been in the news for the longest time due to rumours of their alleged divorce. However, the speculations were put to rest when the duo made an appearance at Aaradhya’s annual function. Videos and pictures of Abhishek cheering for Aaradhya went viral, showcasing how much of a doting father he is. Amidst this, another video of Abhishek Bachchan has been making rounds on the internet, featuring him dancing at one of Aaradhya’s parties.

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In the now-viral video, Abhishek Bachchan is seen setting the mood for the kids at the party, ensuring they have the best time. He was also spotted dancing for his daughter and the other children present, making the celebration even more special.