Recent developments surrounding Bollywood’s power couple, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Abhishek Bachchan, have fueled rumors of a possible divorce. The speculations intensified after Abhishek Bachchan liked a post related to divorce, causing a stir in the media and public alike. This action sparked discussions about potential rifts within the Bachchan family, with many questioning the current state of their relationship.






Adding to the controversy, viral photos of Aishwarya Rai with her long-time family doctor, Zicker Marker, have caught the public’s attention. The pictures depict Aishwarya and Dr. Marker in close proximity, with one image showing her kissing him on the cheek and gently placing her hand on his face. These intimate moments, shared during a lunch outing, have only heightened the rumors of her estrangement from Abhishek.

Though the viral images have added fuel to the fire, it is important to note that Aishwarya has known Dr. Marker for years, and he is considered a close family friend. Despite this, the closeness captured in the photos has led many to speculate about her relationship with the doctor, particularly since she has not been seen showing similar affection towards Abhishek in public.

Further fanning the flames, Abhishek was seen without his engagement ring, which did not go unnoticed by the public. While this led to even more speculation, the couple was later spotted together in Dubai, leading some to believe that they may still be trying to work things out. Additionally, Aishwarya was recently seen attending a family event at the Bachchan residence, Jalsa, indicating that she may still be part of the family fold.

Although these rumors continue to circulate, there has been no official confirmation from either Aishwarya or Abhishek regarding the status of their marriage. The public remains divided on the issue, with many taking to social media to share their opinions on the matter.

As the situation develops, fans of the couple are left wondering whether the viral images are simply being misinterpreted or if they are a sign of deeper issues within the marriage. Only time will tell whether this Bollywood couple will put the rumors to rest or if more twists are yet to come.

What do you think about the ongoing rumors? Share your thoughts in the comments.