Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh, widely regarded as one of Bollywood’s most beloved couples, recently welcomed their first child, a beautiful baby girl, on September 8. The couple’s announcement of their daughter’s birth has captured widespread attention, not just among fans but also within the Bollywood industry. Interestingly, many have begun reflecting on Deepika’s past relationship with actor Ranbir Kapoor in light of this joyous occasion.
Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone were once in a high-profile relationship, and although they parted ways, their bond remained strong. This was evident during their joint appearance on Koffee with Karan, a popular Bollywood talk show hosted by Karan Johar. Despite their breakup, the two stars displayed mutual respect and friendship, a rare example in the entertainment world.
During that episode of Koffee with Karan, Ranbir Kapoor made a remark that has recently gone viral. Karan Johar asked Ranveer Singh whether it ever felt strange that Deepika had once dated Ranbir. In response, Ranveer Singh casually stated that enough time had passed since their breakup, and it no longer bothered him. Both he and Deepika had moved on and were focused on their current lives together.
When Ranbir Kapoor was asked how he felt about Ranveer and Deepika’s relationship, he expressed genuine happiness for them. He stated that they complement each other perfectly and even wished that he could one day become their children’s favorite actor. This lighthearted and affectionate comment has been warmly received by fans, further cementing the good-natured dynamic between the three actors.
As Deepika and Ranveer embark on this exciting new chapter as parents, Ranbir Kapoor’s heartfelt comments have added a touch of warmth and positivity to the celebration. The respect and camaraderie shared between the actors stand as a testament to the maturity and grace they have maintained, even in the face of past romantic history.
Fans and industry insiders alike are buzzing with joy over the birth of Deepika and Ranveer’s baby girl. As this heartwarming news continues to make waves, it serves as a reminder of the enduring relationships and bonds that often outlast personal differences in Bollywood.
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