Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone, who is currently expecting her first child, was recently spotted at Mumbai’s iconic Siddhivinayak Temple. The star, visibly pregnant with a large baby bump, made a public appearance at the temple to seek divine blessings ahead of her impending motherhood.





Dressed in traditional attire, Deepika was seen performing religious rituals, paying homage to Lord Ganesha, the deity of prosperity and well-being. The visit was a spiritual moment for the actress, as she sought blessings for a smooth and healthy pregnancy.

As soon as news of her visit spread, fans and onlookers gathered at the temple to catch a glimpse of the star. Despite the crowd, Deepika gracefully fulfilled her prayers and rituals, exuding calmness and humility throughout her time at the temple.

This temple visit is seen as a significant and symbolic gesture for Deepika, expressing her deep-rooted faith and spirituality, especially as she prepares to embrace motherhood. The actress continues to garner attention for her grace and poise as she navigates both her personal and professional life.

With the blessings of Siddhivinayak, Deepika’s fans and followers are eagerly awaiting the arrival of her little one.