Bollywood power couple Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh have joyfully announced the arrival of their first child, a baby girl. The couple’s daughter was born at Mumbai’s Reliance Foundation Hospital, where Deepika was admitted the previous evening, accompanied by her mother, Ujjala Padukone. The joyous news quickly spread across social media after viral images and videos surfaced of Deepika arriving at the hospital.






The pregnancy was first revealed in February through a joint social media post, and ever since, the couple has expressed their excitement about becoming parents. Although Deepika and Ranveer have yet to make an official announcement on social media, reports indicate that both are overjoyed and grateful for this new chapter in their lives.

Deepika delivered the baby girl on Sunday, but the couple has not yet decided on a name for their little one. In the lead-up to this life-changing moment, Deepika and Ranveer visited Mumbai’s Shri Siddhi Vinayak Temple to seek blessings for their growing family.

Fans, friends, and family members have flooded the couple with warm wishes and congratulations. As Deepika and Ranveer step into their new roles as parents, their happiness and excitement are palpable, and their supporters couldn’t be more thrilled for them.