Bollywood’s beloved couple, Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone, are overjoyed to announce the birth of their first child, a baby girl. After tying the knot in a fairytale wedding in Italy in 2018, the couple has long been adored by fans worldwide. On 2nd September 2024, they delighted their fans by sharing maternity photos on social media, building anticipation for the arrival of their little one.
On 6th September 2024, the couple was spotted at Mumbai’s famous Siddhivinayak Temple, seeking blessings from Lord Ganesha ahead of the birth. Just a day later, on 7th September, Deepika and Ranveer checked into H. N. Reliance Hospital, one of Mumbai’s most renowned medical institutions. The following day, on 8th September 2024, Deepika gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, bringing immense joy to their family and fans alike.
The news quickly spread across social media, where the couple made the official announcement. The post went viral, with thousands of fans and celebrities, including Priyanka Chopra, offering their heartfelt congratulations. Many celebrated the arrival of the new member of Bollywood’s royal family, showering blessings and well-wishes upon the couple and their newborn.
However, amidst the excitement, fake AI-generated images of Deepika holding her baby began circulating online. The couple has not yet shared any official photos of their daughter, so fans should be cautious about believing what they see. For now, the world eagerly awaits the first glimpse of Ranveer and Deepika’s bundle of joy.
The birth of their daughter marks a new chapter in their lives, and fans everywhere are excited to see this beloved couple take on their new role as parents.
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